Since bursting into the collective American consciousness with his groundbreaking portrayal as Unique Adams on the Fox musical series Glee, Alex has gone on to enjoy spectacular success in television, musical theater, and pop music. A Broadway Dreams faculty member since 2016, Alex dedicates himself to helping other LGBTQ youth and regularly performs at benefit concerts, including The Trevor Project, the Human Rights Campaign, and Jack Antonoff's Ally Coalition. He was given a special recognition award at the 2015 GLAAD Media Awards.
Alex currently stars as Mo, a genderfluid DJ on Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist and played Asaka in the Broadway revival of Once on This Island, the cast recording for which garnered a Grammy nomination. His debut EP, “Power,” was released in 2016 on Atlantic Records, and he has since gone on to release several recordings, available on all major music-streaming platforms.